Monday, April 16, 2012

It's My 22nd Birthday!!!!

Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da,
Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da,
Sarang ha neun Jessica shi,
Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da...
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. - Mark Twain

Data x rasmi FB ak bgtau sramai 160 org wish for my bufday.. Damn! Where is da another 400+ go?? Rumet ak pulak ap cer??? Ne yg puas aty ni.. Haha!! Bengong je kalo ckp camtu kan.. Btw, epy bufday for my own.. 

Dear my Lord..

tenQ God for letting me tenQ,
tenQ for forgiving me. 
tenQ for my health. 
tenQ for all my Famiy members. 
tenQ for giving me a wonderful friends i can share my happiness, blessings and sadness with. 
tenQ for providing me wif my every day needs and wants. 
tenQ for all da wonderful things u hav done in my life and all da wonderful plan you hav for da future in my Life.. 
Born on Monday, Fair in face;
Born on Tuesday, Full of God's grace;
Born on Wednesday, Sour and sad;
Born on Thursday, Merry and glad;
Born on Friday, Worthily given;
Born on Saturday, Work hard for your living;
Born on Sunday, You will never know want. - Anonymous 

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